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What are the alternatives to traditional types of pile underpinning?

The alternatives to the traditional types of pile underpinning are based on methods that use the controlled injection of either a specialised grout or polyurethane resin, into the ground.

These techniques are known as ‘computer-controlled grouting’ and ‘resin injection process’ respectively.

Both processes strengthen the ground so that it can safely support the building’s load. Where subsidence has occurred, careful control and monitoring of additional grout or resin injection can help to also re-level the building.

What benefits do modern alternative methods of underpinning bring?

When compared to traditional types of pile underpinning, the modern alternative methods prove to be non-invasive, quicker and more cost-effective solutions.

Modern alternative methods use injection equipment that is unobtrusive when compared to the disruptive heavy machinery required by traditional types of pile underpinning. The work of level correction and building stabilisation by computer-controlled grouting or resin injection creates so little disruption that it can usually be done whilst the building is occupied.

When looking at the cost for traditional types of pile underpinning against the use of resin injection the latter is around £1,200 per m2. This makes it a very cost-effective solution compared with the up to £1,500 per m2 for mass concrete underpinning and up to £2,600 per m2 for piled underpinning.

Geopolymer resin injection solution

Our Teretek® engineered resin injection process can be used for ground improvement and re-levelling. An array of small-bore injection tubes is strategically placed to deliver the expanding polyurethane resin mix into the ground at the right points to strengthen the ground, stabilise the foundations and help to re-level the building with minimal disruption to its occupants. The resin is environmentally inert, is backed by our 20-year warranty and is suitable for use across a wide range of buildings and soil types.

Integrated computer grouting process

Mainmark’s JOG Computer Controlled grouting system is a unique multi-point cementitious grouting process used to re-level buildings affected by settlement. It uses proprietary grout pumps to deliver grout for a few seconds at a time to multiple injection points all carefully controlled and monitored by computers. The process effectively ‘lifts’ the building gradually to the required level.

If you would like to learn more about the available alternatives to traditional types of pile underpinning or have a particular foundation issue and would like some expert guidance, please get in contact and we will make sure we offer you the right support for your project.

Joe Red Giraffe
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