Understanding the causes of subsidence
There are many possible causes of subsidence that can affect your home, but the most common is moisture loss from the soil, leading to shrinking of the ground. Cohesive soils, such as clay and silt are most prone to be impacted by changing water content. If this is what is happening under the foundations of your house, it can cause subsidence and have serious implications for your home and your family.
The causes of subsidence can be man-made or natural, including:
- Prolonged dry spells, causing soil to lose moisture and shrink
- Overgrowth of trees and shrubs, which absorb moisture and dry out soil
- Soil decomposition
- Soil erosion caused by heavy rainfall or flooding
- Damaged drains or broken pipes
- Nearby heavy traffic
- Historic mining activities or fracking

The opposite of subsidence is heave. This is when the soil beneath your home rises because it becomes waterlogged due to tree removal, flooding nearby, or burst pipes. The implications for your home are the same as you would experience with subsidence.
Mainmark offers fast, safe and reliable solutions for dealing with the causes of subsidence in residential properties. Our Teretek® resin injection and JOG computer-controlled grouting technologies help fill in the voids under your foundations, compact the soils, strengthening the ground and re-levelling your home whilst preventing further damage.
Our award-winning solutions are designed to address the root causes of subsidence, giving you peace of mind about the long-term safety of your home. Work can usually be completed in a day and there’s no need for your family to vacate the property, or for your belongings to be removed.
Causes of subsidence – the signs
What are the signs for the causes of subsidence and how can Mainmark help?
Subsidence is a type of ground movement. If your home is suffering from causes of subsidence, it means that the ground underneath is moving or is unstable. You may notice signs including:
● Crack Walls
● Jammed doors
● Sticking windows
● Sinking floors
If left untreated, the causes of subsidence can render a home unsafe and uninsurable.
To prevent further damage and start the process of repairing your home, the causes of subsidence must be dealt with. In the past, this would have meant underpinning the home – a costly and messy procedure that was also time-consuming and extremely disruptive.
But underpinning is no longer the only option. Mainmark’s Teretek® and JOG technologies can successfully overcome most causes of subsidence, swiftly and at a fraction of the cost of underpinning.
Our solutions work in a way similar to keyhole surgery to address the causes of subsidence. Holes are drilled under the foundations, and then either an environmentally inert resin or cementitious grout are injected, filling in any voids in the soil and gently raising and re-levelling your home.


Mainmark technologies to treat causes of subsidence
Teretek® – subsidence remediation through resin injection
- Teretek® is an engineered solution for ground improvement and re-levelling subsided residential homes, using a plural component, expanding polyurethane resin. Teretek® works in a way similar to keyhole surgery. Small holes are drilled under the foundation in order for Mainmark’s proprietary, environmentally inert resin to be injected under the house foundation, improving the stability of the ground and re-levelling the home.
Subsidence remediation with JOG computer-controlled grouting
- JOG computer-controlled grouting is a multi-point injection technique. This technology typically uses cementitious grout to re-level structures, including residential homes. This means that cementitious grout is injected under the foundations of your home, using computers to accurately control the injection amounts in the various predetermined locations.
Mainmark technology benefits
Benefits of Mainmark’s treatments for causes of subsidence
Our technologies are installed quickly and can be walked on soon after.
Environmentally inert
We use safe materials that are non-toxic and do not leach into the environment or affect the treated area.
Our solutions are surgical in nature, causing minimal disruption to you or your family.
Compared to other solutions, our technologies cost significantly less.
We’re happy to have helped
Soil stabilisation FAQ’s
What happens with unlevel driveways, floors and hardstand areas?
After the application of the Mainmark solution, unlevel surfaces will become aligned again as the ground underneath is strengthened and re-supported. Simple cosmetic repairs may be required.
Will there be a mess?
Very little, if any. We use Teretek® engineered Resin Injection technology, which is likened to “keyhole surgery”, or JOG Computer-Controlled Grouting, with no major excavation and minimal disruption or mess. The injection holes required are very small.
How long does it take?
Each project is different and depends on the required amount of lift, area for correction, building construction, and ground conditions. Most projects can be completed in a day or two, and we can work at night or on one area at a time, so your business can keep operating.
Do i need to send my workers home?
No, most projects don’t require you to vacate the premises or even move furniture or equipment. For the most part, you can keep operating as normal. Driveways can often be driven on in as little as 30 minutes after treatment.
What warranty will i get?
The materials we use have been developed for use underground and have been specifically engineered to resist shrinkage and deterioration. Teretek® is warranted by Mainmark for an industry-leading period of 20 years.
Is it safe and environmentally friendly?
Injected Teretek® and JOG materials are environmentally inert and have no detrimental effects on the environment.
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Get in touch about your project
Step 1
Please submit your enquiry using our online form. Please tell us why you’re reaching out so we can better assist you!
Step 2
One of our expert team members will contact you to schedule a site inspection that suits you.
Step 3
One of the Mainmark experts will visit your home or property, assess the damage, and ascertain the likely cause. They will establish the approach needed, creating a plan specific to the needs of your building and provide you with a detailed quote.
© 2025 The Mainmark group of companies. ‘Mainmark®’, ‘Terefil®’, ‘Terefirm®’ and ‘Teretek®’ are trademarks of the Mainmark group of companies.
Mainmark Ground Engineering (UK) Ltd.
CRN: 09372443