Treating bridge subsidence and keeping transport infrastructure functional
Regular maintenance and replacement of aged infrastructure is essential for roads to sustain heavy traffic and avoid significant disruptions and safety hazards caused by land subsidence and surface cracks.
Our Teretek® resin injection has been qualified, tested, and adopted by road authorities around the world and now in the UK. It offers a unique method for addressing bearing capacity issues and voiding that is common in aged infrastructure foundation systems. We can raise, re-level and re-support public roads and bridges with little interference to traffic and operations.
Bridge subsidence can be remediated using our Teretek® engineered resin injection solution, correcting concrete roads and pavements, bridge approach slabs, bridge abutments, motorways and road culverts.
Our advanced technologies are time-efficient, cost-effective and non-invasive and full use of the road or bridge can be maintained during stabilisation. Work can be carried out one lane at a time, overnight and in between rush hour traffic if required. Vehicles are also able to drive over the remediated area almost straight away.
Mainmark’s stabilisation methods require no excavation and work can be successfully completed in just a few days. We have achieved a complete bridge lift of a maximum of 1300mm.
Some of the more common applications for bridge subsidence remediation with resin injection are:
- Filling of voids directly beneath pavements to reconfirm support and limit deflection and deterioration.
- Raising subsided pavements to re establish design levels, drainage, or camber gradients to restore a safe and comfortable ride for motorists.
- Void filling, re-supporting, and raising bridge approach and relieving slabs.
- Providing targeted ground improvement to weak subgrade soils.
Applications of bridge subsidence treatments
Bridge approaches
Void filling, re-supporting, and raising bridge approach and relieving slabs. To provide targeted ground improvement to weak subgrade soils.
Raising subsided pavements to re-establish design levels, drainage or camber gradients and to restore a safe and comfortable ride for motorists.
The filling of voids directly beneath pavements to reconfirm support and limit deflection and deterioration.
Slab lifting process for bridge subsidence remediation
Small holes are drilled through the slab.
Multi-component strcutural resin is injected. It expands immediately, filling any voids and compacting the substrate.
After re-supporting the slab, continued injection raises it, guided by the laser level.
The treated pavement sections are returned to full operation immediately after the repair work, and no curing time is required.
Features & benefits
Mainmark’s level correction methods for bridge subsidence remediation
Our technologies have fast curing times and treated bridge subsidence areas can be used immediately or without the delays compared to traditional repair methods.
Immediately trafficable
As soon as the bridge subsidence repair is completed, the roadway can be re-opened to traffic and full use.
Bridge subsidence repairs are performed without the need for excavation, extensive bridge and road closures or traffic disruption.
Compared to traditional methods, our bridge subsidence solutions are more cost-effective.
Case studies
Featured bridge subsidence case studies
Talk to an expert
Get in touch about your project
Step 1
Please submit your enquiry using our online form. Please tell us why you’re reaching out so we can better assist you!
Step 2
One of our expert team members will contact you to schedule a site inspection that suits you.
Step 3
One of the Mainmark experts will visit your home or property, assess the damage, and ascertain the likely cause. They will establish the approach needed, creating a plan specific to the needs of your building and provide you with a detailed quote.
© 2025 The Mainmark group of companies. ‘Mainmark®’, ‘Terefil®’, ‘Terefirm®’ and ‘Teretek®’ are trademarks of the Mainmark group of companies.
Mainmark Ground Engineering (UK) Ltd.
CRN: 09372443