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Rail subsidence

The fast, non-disruptive solution to railway subsidence

As railway infrastructure ages, it becomes more susceptible to damage caused by the increasingly heavier loads. Repeated and intense mechanical vibrations, coupled with heavy rains or poor drainage, can cause the ground to weaken under rail lines. The resulting voids and railway subsidence can cause costly and dangerous damage.

Train tracks can buckle and become unusable, putting passengers at risk and causing expensive delays. Surrounding infrastructure, including railway platforms, train stations, terminals, train yards, level crossing, and bridges – can be damaged or disturbed.

Rail subsidence can affect line speeds as a result of water saturation. Settlement often occurs to base slabs and also to platforms and depots.

Our unique Teretek® resin injection solution can be used to stabilise the track or platform structure, requiring no excavations. Large sections of the railway can be treated one section at a time, meaning the railway line can be restored and ready for use again almost immediately.

Applications of railways subsidence treatments




Remediating railway subsidence within the UK’s rail infrastructure with minimal disruption and delays

Slab lifting process for railway subsidence

Small holes are drilled through the slab.

Multi-component strcutural resin is injected. It expands immediately, filling any voids and compacting the substrate.

After re-supporting the slab, continued injection raises it, guided by the laser level.

The treated pavement sections are returned to full operation immediately after the repair work, and no curing time is required.

Features & Benefits

Mainmark’s level correction methods for rail subsidence treatment

Fast & Clean

Our solutions have fast curing times and treated railway subsidence areas can be used immediately or without the delays compared to traditional repair methods.

Immediately Trafficable

As soon as the railway subsidence repair is completed, the treated area can be re-opened to traffic, staff and public for full use.


Railway subsidence repairs are performed without the need for excavation or extensive disruption to the treated area or the railway network operation.


Compared to traditional methods of dealing with railway subsidence, our solutions are more cost-effective.

Talk to an expert

Get in touch about your project

Step 1

Please submit your enquiry using our online form. Please tell us why you’re reaching out so we can better assist you!

Step 2

One of our expert team members will contact you to schedule a site inspection that suits you.

Step 3

One of the Mainmark experts will visit your home or property, assess the damage, and ascertain the likely cause. They will establish the approach needed, creating a plan specific to the needs of your building and provide you with a detailed quote.


© 2025 The Mainmark group of companies. ‘Mainmark®’, ‘Terefil®’, ‘Terefirm®’ and ‘Teretek®’ are trademarks of the Mainmark group of companies.

Mainmark Ground Engineering (UK) Ltd.

CRN: 09372443

Ground Improvement



Subsidence Repair

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